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What has got you here, won’t get you there!

In the last 45 days of lockdown I have had multiple conversations with my clients who are business owners, business heads, seasoned professionals, CEOs of SMSEs over the dynamics of the market going forward. This pressing of the need to go digital seems so evident. But from where do we start our digital journey?

Strategically planning your digital presence is the answer.

Leaping into digital ocean not knowing where we are heading or simply following the crowd and being me too will not meet the purpose of being where we want to be.

Some points to be considered before you dive into the digital journey.

  • Do your target audience online profiling. Identity where they are online, what activities are they engaged and on which platforms.
  • Structure your digital presence relevant for your target audience and not masses
  • People study and follow profiles of the key person behind the brand or company. At this point your profile as a business owner, CEO, MD, or key spokesperson of the company if positioned appropriately as an influencer, expert, or thought-leader will help build trust among the prospects
  • Plan your campaigns on the lines of informative and educative with WIIFM from customer’s point, engaging to give you the digital edge

Finally, I would like to close with only one thing to say, don’t get overwhelmed and jump into to digital ocean. Take smaller steps, plan, measure, optimize for maximum outreach.

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